By Azra - May 11, 2019
As every previous post, my topic is mostly about my dreams. One of dreams is surely to welcome one 1st May somewhere else. Not to welcome it as in previous years, crying, in family circle, with my parents and thinking how would it be if I were somewhere else in that moment. Of course time spent with my family is surely the best and I appreciate it. That is not why I cry and why I cried. I cried because it was not the way I imagined it to be in that moment. I, one big dreamer and my unfulfilled dreams! Yes I felt as I didn't belong in this place as if I was strayed. I turned in the dead end with my dreams and I realized that there are dreams for us that are much stronger than unhappy destinies. At the end dreams found their path to realization, place where were fears for friendships and wishes for some other places, was replaced with many beautiful moments with dear friends.
Wishes do come true.
The best 👏